Function parseJson

  • REMARK: based upon @streamparser/json, but added as a peer dependency, so if you want to use this don't forget to npm install @streamparser/json in your project as well.

    This operator will take an iterator of strings, Uint8Arrays or Buffers and will produce an iterator of [json object, path string] pairs.

    The parameter, an array of paths to emit, can be used to filter out only the things that interest you. Defaults to undefined which emits everything. The paths are intended to support jsonpath although at the time being it only supports the root object selector ($) and subproperties selectors including wildcards ($.a, $.*, $.a.b, , $.*.b, etc).


    itr8FromIterable('{ someprop: { id: '123' }, results: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }'),
    // => [ ['a', '$.results.0'], ['b', '$.results.1'], ['c', '$.results.2'] ]
    map(([j]) => j),
    // => [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] (useful if you don't care about the path)

    It is built using the @streamparser/json library, and reduced to its bare essence.


    tuples [ value, path ]


    • params: string[]

    Returns TTransIteratorSyncOrAsync<string | Uint8Array | Buffer, Record<string, any>>

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